Question Box integrate seamlessly into various programs across sectors



Program Applications

1. Identify and Link Population to Services

Existing Challenges

> Community members incur high cost or long travel to access services

> Services are available only on an irregular schedule

> Service materials come in and out of stock

> Short time interval to identify high risk community members and link to service to remediate problem

> Population requires assistance but does not wish to be identified. 

Question Box Solutions

> Provide a local information source regarding service location, times, costs, and input availability

Provide a tailored help resource for high-risk target populations

> Make appointments for service usage, thereby controlling flow

> Provide direct service advisory at site of callbox

> Geo-tagged information provision maintains anonymity

2. Service Enrollment

Existing Challenges

> Community has low awareness of service.

> Enrollment requires planning or travel

> Enrollment requires multiple trips, some being purely information exchange

> True cost to enroll not correctly represented on-site

> Hours of service limited.

Question Box Solutions

> Increase awareness of service near home or place of business.

Enable accurate planning for travel to service point, including knowledge of location, required paperwork, and proper fees

Allow for exploration of service offering without commitment.

3. Post-Service Continuous Follow-ups

Existing Challenges

Distance for return is causing drop-off in follow ups.

Follow ups require primarily exchange of information

Genuine feedback regarding service quality is hampered by fears of discrimination by service providers

Question Box Solutions

Provide outlet for follow up questions and reporting on service outcomes

Provide outlet to anonymously assess service quality


4. Strengthen Existing Outreach Service Providers

Existing Challenges

>Existing field and community service outreach personnel challenged to adequately maintain surveillance and provide timely aid to vulnerable populations

Community members unaware of existence or location of outreach workers

> Outreach workers would benefit from more accessible mentorship

> Lag in data collection or quality control issues

Question Box Solutions

Identify high-risk populations and link to outreach workers

Provide a local resource for outreach workers to consult with an expert mentor on an ongoing basis

Provide an avenue to report data to a centralized hub without digital data entry in the field

5. Information Dissemination & Data Monitoring

Existing Challenges

Inadequate field data from communities served

 > Lag, uneven and inaccurate data reporting

Mechanisms for service feedback is frequently not standardized

Central decision-making requires additional sensing of community conditions

Decision-making would benefit from ongoing community surveying

Question Box Solutions

Queries from community provide an accurate snapshot of needs, opinions and wants.

Callbox query information centralized, data quality control maintained, data available in a timely fashion

Feedback mechanism preserves individual anonymity 

Survey modules can solicit specific information and feedback from callbox users, and be updated as needed – providing an ongoing picture of conditions

No retraining required at field level, allowing for fast and iterative implementation